Mobile Application
Donate for free to your selected causes when you shop through the app.

Making it easy to donate to a wide selection of causes simply by selecting a retailer to purchase from through the app.
Available on iOS and Android devices.

The Client
TheGivingMachine are a charity that allows online shoppers to donate for free to support their causes.
Alongside the Shop&Give app, TheGivingMachine provides many options to users to donate through such as; clickouts from their website, a browser extensions that remind users to donate when using their computer browser and more recently, a weekly GivingLottery fund that donates ticket prices to causes and funds that support them.
The Brief
TheGivingMachine tasked us with designing and building the Shop&Give mobile app with the ability to easily select an online retailer and donate for free through their purchase. Alongside the main task of the app, additional features were to be included to make it a more personable and rewarding experience for their users.

The Solution
The Shop&Give mobile app was designed for browsing the wide variety of online retailers. This is presented in a grid or row format and provides easy click out to make a purchase whilst donating for free. In the retailer's details the user is able to view; the donation percentage, total donations, causes impacted and the amount raised so far.
The app features a handy favourite action, allowing users to mark their most loved shops. There is also included an option to filter the list displayed into categories; all shops, featured shops, popular shops and my shops. To keep users engaged, Achievement Badges were introduced into the app as a motivational congratulations when hitting certain donation milestones.
More Projects
Over the past decade we have produced apps and websites for clients in a variety of sectors including Retail, Charity, Healthcare and Professional Services